Early Steps: The coordination of Early Intervention services for children ages birth to three through the Early Steps program.
Early Steps provides services to families with infants and toddlers aged birth to three years (36 months) who have a medical condition likely to result in a developmental delay, or who have developmental delays. Children with delays in cognitive, motor, vision, hearing, communication, social-emotional or adaptive development may be eligible for services. Early Steps services are designed to improve the family’s capacity to enhance their child’s development. These services are provided in the child’s natural environment, such as the child’s home, child care, or any other community setting typical for children aged birth to 3 years (36 months).
Early Steps is Louisiana’s Early Intervention program. Shoulders of Strength is licensed to provide Family Support Coordination services through the Louisiana Department of Health. If you have a childbirth to three years of age, and you suspect that he or she may a developmental delay or already has a diagnosed disability, your child may be eligible to receive one or more of the services listed below. Contact us today for more information.
Services Include:
Services the Early Steps program provides include:
- Assistive technology
- Audiology
- Health Services (family education, assistance with other EarlySteps services only)
- Medical Services (evaluation only)
- Nutrition Services
- Occupational Therapy Services
- Physical Therapy Services
- Psychological Services
- Service Coordination
- Social Work Services
- Special Instruction
- Speech-Language Pathology
- Translation Interpreter Services (foreign language and sign language)
- Transportation (to and from an EarlySteps service only)
- Vision Services
EarlySteps services are provided through the support of several funds:
- Federal Medicaid funds
- Federal Part C funds
- State Medicaid Matching funds
- State Part C funds
The Early Steps Process
Anyone can make an EarlySteps referral. Children can be referred to Early Steps by contacting the System Point of Entry (SPOE) in their region. Once the SPOE receives the referral, the family will be contacted to begin the eligibility determination process.
Developmental Milestones
~Lifts and turns head from side to side when lying on stomach
~Follows moving object or person with eyes
~Turns head towards bright colors and lights and towards the sound of a human voice
~Makes cooing and gurgling sounds
~Reacts to peek-a-boo games
~Holds head steady when sitting (with some assistance)
~Reaches for and grasps objects
~Helps hold the bottle during feedings
~Explores by mouthing and banging objects
~Pulls up to sitting position if hands are grasped
~Opens mouth for spoon
~Babbles and makes sing-song sounds
~Holds head steady when sitting (with some assistance)
~Reaches for and grasps objects
~Helps hold bottle during feedings
~Explores by mouthing and banging objects
~Crawls on hands and knees
~Pulls self up to stand
~Takes steps while holding onto furniture
~Stands alone momentarily
~Says first word
~Responds to another’s distress by showing distress/crying
~Understands simple commands
~Uses “hi,” “bye,” and “please” when reminded
~Asks for something by pointing or using one word
~Acts out familiar activity in play (i.e. pretending to eat)
~Recognizes self in mirror or pictures
~Drinks from a straw
~Feeds self with spoon
~Builds tower with 3-4 blocks
~Opens cabinets, drawers boxes
~Walks upstairs with assistance
~Begins to make believe play
~Can and will follow directions
~Has vocabulary of several hundred words
~Uses 2-3 word sentences
~Refers to self by name and uses “me” and “mine”
~Points to eyes, ears, or nose when asked
~Builds tower of 4-5 blocks
~Walks up steps, alternating feet
~Turns pages in a book one at a time
~Pays attention for about three minutes
~Looks through a book alone
~Counts 2-3 objects
~Follows simple one-step commands
~Uses 3-5 word sentences
~Asks short questions
~Names at least one color correctly
~Knows first and last name
~Recognizes and understands most common objects and pictures
Areas Served:
Monroe, Louisiana
Shreveport, Louisiana
Contact Us
We want to hear from youIf you would like to connect with one of our mental health professionals, or Support Coordinators, please call (318)323-9995.
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