Support Coordination
What to expect from your Support Coordinator
- Support Coordinator will contact you monthly by phone or face to face.
- Support Coordinator will meet with you quarterly in your home.
- Support Coordinator should visit you in your home at least once a year without calling first.
- Support Coordinator will observe your staff in the home or community and assist you with goals outlined in your plan of care.
- Support Coordinator will review your service provider’s book in your home during the face to face quarterly meeting.
- Support Coordinator will meet with your service provider to ensure all services are delivered as outlined in your plan of care.
- Support Coordinator will meet with you or designated representative to discuss goals and action steps for the new plan of care year.
- Support Coordinator will provide you with a freedom of choice list to select new service provider in the community upon request by you or designated representative.
- Support Coordinator will hand deliver or mail a copy of the 90-L form to be completed by your primary physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant once a year.
- Support Coordinator should help you with developing a plan for emergencies.
- Support Coordinator will assist you with accessing Medicaid/non-Medicaid services in the community.
At this time, support coordination is limited to individuals receiving home and community-based waiver services.
The Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities (OCDD) serves as the Single Point of Entry (SPOE) into the developmental disabilities services system and oversees public and private residential services and other services for people with developmental disabilities.
OCDD conducts an assessment of people who request services to determine the person’s eligibility for system entry. Eligibility is based on the definition of developmental disability contained in Louisiana R.S. 28:451.1-455.2. The human services districts/authorities serve as the points of entry for individuals to receive services.
What is Support Coordination? At its core, it is the arranging and monitoring of services for individuals or families. Support coordination provides families and persons with a disability the assistance of paid professionals who are responsible only to the family and the individual. We provide each qualified individual with an advocate for the consumer’s goals and someone to monitor service delivery, to ensure health and safety, and to help improve the consumer’s general quality of life.
OCDD Information for Individuals and Families
What is a Developmental Disability?
According to statute reference – LA R.S. 28:451.2 “Developmental Disability” means either:
a.) A severe, chronic disability of an individual that:
- Is attributable to an intellectual or physical impairment or combination of intellectual and physical impairments.
- Is manifested before the individual reaches age 22.
iii. Is likely to continue indefinitely.
- Results in substantial functional limitations in three (3) or more of the following areas of major life activity:
- aa) Self-care.
- bb) Receptive and expressive language.
- cc) Learning.
- dd) Mobility.
- ee) Self-direction.
- ff) Capacity for independent living.
- gg) Economic self-sufficiency.
- Is not attributed solely to mental illness.
- Reflects the person’s need for a combination and sequence of special, interdisciplinary, or generic care, treatment, or other services which are lifelong or extended duration and are individually planned and coordinated.
b.) A substantial developmental delay or specific congenital or acquired condition in a person from birth through age 9, which without services or support, has a high probability of resulting in those criteria in Subparagraph (a) of this paragraph later in life that may be considered to be a developmental disability.
*Community Choice Waiver
*New Opportunities Waiver aka NOW
*Adult Day Health Care Waiver-services for adults ages 65 or older and ages 21 and older who are disabled
*Support Waiver
*Children’s Choice
*Targeted Support Coordination Services
For NOW, Support Waiver or Children’s Choice services, contact the Office for Citizens with Disabilities Regional Office at (318) 362-5306 or Toll Free at 1-800-637-3131
For EPSDT Targeted Population, contact Statistical Resources, Inc at 1-800-364-7828
Each recipient of Medicaid waiver and targeted support coordination has the freedom to choose their providers. The individuals choice of support coordination or direct service provider does not affect their eligibility for the waiver and state-plan programs or support coordination services.
Complaints about Support Coordinators, support coordination agencies, or direct service providers may be reported to: Health Standards Section at 1-800-660-0488
Contact Us
We want to hear from youIf you would like to connect with one of our mental health professionals, or Support Coordinators, please call (318)323-9995.
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